I have been very busy these last couple of weeks, (reading other people's blogs besides posting on mine). So, these are the things I have been doing that I would have LOVED to blog about, including pictures.
1. Disneyland Trip---had a blast! Got cheap hotel prices through priceline.com. It was fun to see the Wickham's, Lori and Brenda.
2. Hospital Beam Signing Ceremony---so fun and so random! They are constructing a new hospital in our city. The last steel beam was ready to be placed. The night before this was to be done, the hospital hosted a 'beam signing ceremony'. Mostly administration and contruction crew was there. They had a nice tent with lovely refreshments. Everyone was able to sign the last steel beam. There were phrases on it, like 'bless all who enter', 'here works the best nurses', phrases like that, it was pretty cool. My darling husband wrote JK (heart) TK, it was so cute and adorable. We were also able to tour the construction site on golf carts, with construction hats!
3. Massage therapy and chiropractic care----SO NICE! I have never had a real professional massage or been to a chiropractic, but I am hooked. My back and neck have really been giving me problems lately, so off I went. After an hour massage and eight trips to the chiropractic I fell much better, I can actually turn my head without it hurting.
4. Trip to see sister (Kirsha)---awesome weekend! This is an experience where I learned to follow my heart and listen to the spirit and I did not regret it! Sister fun, it was amazing! Why sisters are special:
A. We got to share a large piece of chocolate layer cake with raspberries and raspberry sauce together at midnight!
B. I got to feed her newborn (6 wk old) a formula bottle because she was just to drained to nurse anymore.
C. I helped her move after a stressful landlord situation, with four kids in tow.
D. I was able to put her baby to sleep, with the 'bounce and sway' method I learned with my fussy baby.
E. I was able to make Halloween houses with Jane and Abigail, so cute watching 2 1/2 year old Jane put glue everywhere and watching almost seven year old Abigail, with her perfectionistic mind put her's together.
F. Getting take-out for every meal. Love PG Chang's take out and Olive Garden take-out!
G. Sleeping on the blow up bed in the front room.
H. Thinking so badly that Kirsha could really use the last of the leftover cheeecake (from Olive Garden), because after all she is nursing and she needs the calories, but no I am selfish and I LOVE cheesecake, so I ate every last bit. Then talking to her on the phone and I apologized for eating it and not leaving it for her and she says, "You earned that piece of cheesecake"! Kirsha, you are awesome! That's what sisters are for.
I. Getting to see Steve Young and going to his Sunday School class, good lesson!
Overall, an awesome experience!
Thanks for tuning in!