Thursday, April 24, 2008

I thought I knew what dissapointment was until......

Last weekend my son Tyler had a track meet, it was on Fri. and Sat.. On Fri. he ran the 400m and the 800m. Sat. his races were the 800m the 1500m and the 1600m relay. The coach gave us specific instructions to be at the track 60-90 mins before each event. After Tyler's 1500m run on Sat. we went home for awhile, (we live pretty close to the high school). I thought I would have plenty of time to get some things done and then get him back in time for his relay race. Well, time went by and his event was scheduled for 3:45. We got to the track at 3:00 and his event was just finishing. They were way ahead of schedule. And he missed his race. It was the most horrible feeling, my stomach sank and my eyes started to swell up with tears. Tyler had missed his race, he was so disappointed and he began to cry. The coach told us that is why she wants us to the track earlier than the event is scheduled. She gave us complete and detailed instructions, if I would have followed them then I could have prevented Tyler from missing his race. I told the story the next day in Primary, we were talking about following the prophet and how we are given complete and detailed istructions from our Heavenly Father and the prophets, and if we don't follow them, then we can miss out on the blessings that the Lord has promised us. Tyler and I learned a great lesson that day, life is full of surprises, fun times and also disappointments and unfortunately sometimes we have to learn the hard way.

1 comment:

campbell said...

I almost cried reading your posts because I know that sick feeling you get when you mess up as a Mom. I have had plenty of those experiences. Great story.. good lesson learned.