Thursday, January 24, 2008

Claifornia Pumelos

I love grapefruit, as long as I can remember I have loved this fruit. I found these ginormous grapefruit at Costco and decided to give them a try. They are actually called California Pumelos and they are delicous! That is one thing I have LOVED about living in California is the variety and sizes of fruits and vegetables there are here. They are much sweeter than grapefruit. As I was cutting up my new citrus fruit, I realized that my Mom was the one who introduced me to this fruit and she taught me how to cut it into sections and how to eat it properly. No one else here at the Kerr household shares my love for grapefruit so I get to eat it all to myself and I don't have to share with anyone (selfish thought). I also realized how much I love my grapefruit knife, I have had the same grapefruit knife for eighteen years. It was given to me in a knife set by my mother-in-law as a Christmas gift. I believe it was our first Christmas together (1990). I have since gotten rid of the rest of the knifes, but I have held on to this special grapefruit knife. I love it and you just can't eat a grapefruit without cutting it properly! So here's to all good things in life, cheers!

1 comment:

campbell said...

I love grapefuit too. I think it is because of Mom too. Oh, I think I will just go buy a grapefruit right now.