Sunday, August 10, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Our oldest is 12!

Wow, our oldest child is 12 years old, I can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone.? This is Jacob having apple crisp for his birthdy dessert, which he requested. He came into this world screaming and he has never stopped, which is a positive trait. He is a vibrant, beautiful 12 year old who I love with all my heart. Today August 10th he was ordained a deacon. He has grown up way too fast. We were living in Altoona, PA when he was born. JD had just started his residency in family medicine. I love him because he is smart, he has a wonderful sense of humor, and he has a very compassionate side, he cares about those around him, he is a strong role model for his younger brothers and sister. He knows what is right and wrong and stands up for what he believes in. He is constantly asking questions and is a walking trivia book. My hopes and dreams for you are that you will use your talents wisely, love those around you and never give up, presevere and hold on to what you believe in.

Last Sunday Jay Dee was ordained a high priest because now he is second counselor in the bishopric.

I've had a real emotional time lately realizing that I am old enough to have a 12 year old boy and old enough to be married to a high priest. Ugh......


Mariah said...

It's hard for me to believe that he's 12 as well!! Wow, time certainly flies! It looks like he had a great day.

campbell said...

Time goes by so fast. Before you know it Jacob will be going on a mission. Hold on because it is a fast ride.